The video is aimed at all those involved in the management of biomedical research data (e.g. Data set managers of Elixir nodes; Managers of biomedical research data management systems). It demonstrate the power of the CINECA query expansion services.
Read MoreThe video is aimed at all those involved in the management of biomedical research data (e.g. Data set managers of Elixir nodes; Managers of biomedical research data management systems). It demonstrate the power of the CINECA query expansion services.
Read MoreWillem de Koning, Milad Miladi, Saskia Hiltemann, Astrid Heikema, John P Hays, Stephan Flemming, Marius van den Beek, Dana A Mustafa, Rolf Backofen, Björn Grüning, Andrew P Stubbs
In this paper, de Koning, et al describe “NanoGalaxy", a Galaxy-based toolkit for analysing long-read sequencing data, suitable for diverse applications, including de novo genome assembly from genomic, metagenomic, and plasmid sequence reads.Read the full publication here.
Read MoreThis video explains why we need data standardization and how to annotate data using next generation biobanking ontology (NGBO).
Read MoreHelena Rasche, Saskia Hiltemann
Rasche and Hiltemann have developed a Galaxy wrapper for Circos enabling the creation of publication-ready Circos plots using only a web browser. This version of Circos is available as an open-source installable application from the Galaxy ToolShed. Read the full publication here.
Read MoreIn this deliverable document, we report on the activities in task 6.1 – Stakeholder analysis, with the outreach and dissemination plan, as well as the training plan presented in this report, we have completed this task. We have used a combination of surveys and face-to-face meetings to verify and extend or identify key stakeholder groups, understand their interest in the project, and identify bottlenecks that can be addressed by outreach and training. Outreach activities will be accomplished by task 6.2 and training by task 6.3.