Posts by Mikael Linden
A CINECA deliverable describes the ELIXIR Passport Broker

In the Passport is the glue between the researcher, data and computing blog post I introduced GA4GH Passports as an enabler of “the bring compute to data” paradigm. CINECA WP2 also contributed to GA4GH Passport standard for Digital identity and access permissions publication in Cell Genomics in autumn 2021.

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CINECA Report on GA4GH Researcher ID - D2.2

Authors - Mikael Linden (CSC), Martin Kuba (MU), Jorge Izquierdo Ciges (EBI), Mamana Mbiyavanga (UCT)

GA4GH Passport (a.k.a. GA4GH Researcher ID) is the GA4GH standard for expressing an authenticated researcher’s roles and data access permissions (a.k.a. passport visas). Together with the GA4GH Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI) specification, it describes how passport visas are issued and delivered from their authority (such as a Data Access Committee) to the environment where the data access takes place (such as an analysis platform or cloud). The work package has contributed to the Passport and AAI standards which were approved by the GA4GH in October 2019.

This deliverable provides an overview of the GA4GH Passport and AAI standards (version 1.0) in general. It then describes in detail how ELIXIR AAI has implemented the specification as a Passport broker service. Some directions of the next version of the GA4GH Passport and AAI standards, which are still in development in the GA4GH DURI workstream, are displayed. Finally, a hands-on experiment presents how passports could alternatively leverage self-sovereign identity, an emerging identity and access management paradigm in the industry.

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Passport is the glue between the researcher, data and computing

This month’s blog was written by Mikael Linden, Senior application specialist at CSC - IT Center for Science, and co-Work Package Lead of CINECA WP2 - Interoperable Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure. This blog is the third in our GA4GH standards series, presenting an overview of how GA4GH standards are being developed and implemented by CINECA. For the first blog in the series, giving a broad overview of how CINECA is facilitating federated data discovery, access and analysis, please see Dylan Spalding’s blog Implementation of GA4GH standards in CINECA.

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