CINECA Virtual Platform

Federated Healthcare Applications

CINECA has also explored how clinical applications can specifically leverage the secured data federation infrastructure developed within the project. 

It has created a workflow for clinical researchers to access and reuse existing data from public omics databases, to integrate these data with their own data and to enable access to a suite of bioinformatics tools, via the Galaxy workflow platform, for advanced cancer biomarker discovery and for patient stratification.

In addition, CINECA has developed an Analytical sandbox for diagnostic services and a GDPR/FAIR compliant Diagnostic reporting, which provide accessible, end-user applications that remove the need to have deep technical understanding of the various components involved. The tools developed are applied to identify pathological (clinically-relevant) variants.

Finally, work has been done to design and evaluate a curation support system to help clinicians to decide which treatments should be considered given a set of somatic/germline mutations and some particular clinical conditions (e.g. diagnosis).